BRISA / Tetsu Shibuya
Producer / Composer / DJ
Producer / DJ based in Fukuoka.
His eclectic sound design is highly evaluated on a global basis usage in promotional videos such as Louis Vuitton and Apple. His freeform, “connect-the-dots style” are acclaimed in and out of Japan.
福岡を拠点とするプロデューサー/ DJ。
Louis Vuitton、AppleのグローバルPVに採用されるなど、世界を舞台に高い評価を得ている。フリーフォームなスタイルを武器に活躍は多分野に渡る。
Director / Sound Engineer
He spent his early days at “ONKIO HAUS” and “MIXER’S LAB”. After building a career as a freelancer, he was involved in the establishment of “Maneki Records”. After bike traveling across Asia (from Hanoi to Istanbul) for two and a half years, he is here now.
Studio Vibes
Located in Daikanyama.
A studio with a wide range of functions such as Dolby Atmos, audio recording for movies, webcasting, remote recording, etc.
Feel free to contact us
We are always looking for partners to create good music.